Saturday 20 June 2009

What to do if you don't have an egg cup?

My student days are well behind me, but I've never really been inspired by cooking. Whilst I do make a pretty mean beans on toast and in extreme circumstances have managed several full Sunday Roasts. I realised the other day I'd never boiled an egg. Shocking I know! (... well.. not that shocking really?)

So I bought some eggs, dug out my old 'Student Cookbook' and set out on a voyage of discovery!!
(Fade to horizon and bring up inspiring music!)

Yeap.. boil, then keep hot for 3 minutes. Even I managed that one, although I did have to use my mobile phone to measure the three minutes. But THEN HORROR!!!

I managed to get the eggs successfully out of the pan only to realise I had no egg cups. What was I supposed to do!! You can't eat boiled egg and soldiers without an egg cup (not on principle, but simply practically).

There was an unlikely saviour. Which you shouldn't be too shocked to discover considering there's a big photo of them on the blog. (So really I should just stop writing now).

For anyone who can't see the photo. Shot Glasses! Genius! I don't see why anyone would bother with egg cups when you can use shot glasses.

Mine are similar to the photo but they say. "Hey there, so you swallow?" and "I do what the voices in my head tell me too". I think both are very profound statements that we can learn a lot from for generations to come!

P.S. I've turned my back on Facebook. There just isn't the restrictions you need on it. I don't want conversations from my family being read by my friends and am sick of having to censor what I'm saying to my friends because of my family. Time for a clean break before I go crazy! Hopefully this will mean I'm posting a lot more on here!!