Wednesday 1 April 2009

What would you buy The Queen?


I've just been reading about Obama's visit to The Queen.

I'm shocked... absolutely shocked. I love Obama, but really. On what PLANET do you think... hmm... maybe she'd like an ipod? REALLY?? THE QUEEN??? What are they going to get her on their next visit, a hoodie and a skateboard?? 

So I've been trying to think what Obama COULD have got. 

  1. The Queen is getting on and those glasses keep getting bigger and bigger. Why not show your love buy buying a nice 60 inch plasma screen with surround sound with extra big sub woofer, just in case the hearings going too. 
  2. A Sony Reader or Kindle. Filled with historical American or English texts and if they want to make it a bit tacky Obama can always throw in his books. 
  3. X Box 360. At least it's something the grand kids can use. 
  4. Pimp her Resolute desk. Both The Queen and Obama have desks made from HMS Resolute. I'm sure Obama's been thinking how he can make his a bit more geeky. He could do the same with The Queens desk. Built in a screen that sinks into the desk, touch screen table top (Microsoft Surface) and a shield that raises at the front of the desk. Not because anyone would try to attack her, (they wouldn't dare) but in case she sneezes or needs to pick her nose, this would ensure her dignity is preserved. 
  5. A new car. Yes, The Queen has just got a new funky car with all the gadgets, but it's not as cool or funky as Obama's "The Beast". 
  6. A link from to The Queen does love her website. Show some love Obama and send her some hits!! 
  7. An Oscar! Granted she wasn't in the film 'The Queen' with Helen Mirran, but really. you can't say she isn't a star of the film. I think The Queen would LOVE an Oscar. This would really go over well and firmly cement the 'special relationship'. 
  8. Get the street artist that did the famous painting of Obama to do one of The Queen. The Queen loves art and has many official portraits. But this one would be really special and could boost the image of The Queen all over the world. 
  9. Bush's head on a silver platter. Nothing says respect like killing the thing that threatens Kingdom. Back in the good old days, this would have been done without question. Some traditions really should be brought back. We can put it on a spike outside the Tower of London and people can throw things at it. This would also spark financial recovery, by providing a MASSIVE influx of tourism all wanting to see the head. 
  10. Presidency of the United States. Ok, a little unconventional. But let's face it, the republicans suspected that something like this might happen. :-) Now that America's struggling it's time for a merger, economies of scale show the more you merge the greater efficiencies. If we pull in some more of the commonwealth (Canada, Australia etc) we can truly restore control over the globe. Really.. the more you think about this... the more it makes sense...  It's the only way to boost our numbers to a comparable level to China and India. 
  11. A lovely broach. Simple, but personal, designed by experts in America and made especially. (Really.. how hard could that be to do?) (mutters: "... bloody ipod...")
  12. Let The Queen feel his pecks. No one would need to know, let's face his her husband isn't exactly buff. It would be a nice memory at least and it wouldn't cost Obama anything. Oh, or they could give her some botox.. 

I can't believe I've gotten to the end of the post and I'm still upset about this. I hope at the very VERY least they got an ipod that's engraved. Maybe this is because The Queen isn't having a state dinner in his honor and instead the Obama's have to put up with Jamie Oliver's food. 

What would you buy The Queen? 


  1. I've got another one. They could offer to update the Statue of Liberty to look more like The Queen. They're renovating anyway.. why not ;-)

  2. ROTFLMAO! I couldn't agree with you more. I thought the same thing when I heard he bought her an ipod as well. She likes horses, why not go that route some how? I read somewhere that Obama is distant related some how. Why not show her?
