Thursday 30 July 2009

New direction for the blog

Grrr... iGoogle blogger app just wiped my post!

So I'll keep this brief as I've already written it once.

Having an irrational fear is very annoying. Unfortunately irrational fears are part of life. (especially if you have aspergers!)

Family has invaded my facebook and in my mind I feel, (for want of a better way to describe it) compromised. So I'm taking action to manage my insanity. As a result I'm going to be posting all the microblog messages I used to post on there on here. Expect shorter and more regular posts on a broader range of interests and lots of links to stuff that's peaked my interest!

D0n't like being put in the situation where I have to chose whether to block my family or block my friends and colleagues. But that's the situation I'm faced with and no matter how I try and explain to my family, the message isn't getting through. So, if they ever find this. Sorry!

Microblog posts won't have the colours of graphics, but they will be more frequent!

Take care

Cool Asperger Vid

How long would you wear the same pair of underwear?

Just read this article about a new invention meaning you can wear the same pair for a month. Yes A MONTH! Granted this is designed for space, but it's only a matter of time before someone makes a retail version. I would imagine aimed at college and university students?? Probably have military applications as well. There isn't always a laundrette close enough to your battlefield. Personally, no matter how good it is. It would still creep me out a bit.

Sunday 21 June 2009

How do you make DIY more fun?

I know what you're thinking.... MORE FUN?? No.. that's simply not possible! I'm sure you spend many hours putting the Blue Peter training to good use with your love of DIY all day long.

If you've sucessfully left your Tracy Island obsession well behind you and now avoid even watching 'Home Improvement' shows because it all looks too much like hard work. Then this post is really for you!

My DIY ventures have really been few and far between and in the tradition of British building, start late, end even later, are a bit 'fudged' around the edges and need to be torn down in a few years and done properly. Add in a healthy dose of... hmm... I'll have a cup of tea first.

A prime example of this is my 'floating' shelf from IKEA. Which whilst it was floating...was also tilting. As it was above the sofa, this lead to many guests pointing out concerns that it was clearly on the verge of collapse and opting to stand rather than sit. You'll be pleased to know that this was eventually corrected and is now a perfectly level floating shelf with screws so F^&king big, if that thing goes, it's taking the WHOLE WALL WITH IT!!

So this week I was faced with another DIY dilema. LCD monitor bracket (well I say this week.. I actually I got the bracket a few weeks ago.. got it out of it's packaging. Admired it and then promptly put it down). This was a mistake on multiple levels as for the life of my I can't find the screws that came with it!

Deciding this week that I really did need to try and put it up I decided to pull on the wisdom of crass stereotypes of builders. What did they have, that I didn't. The answer was staring my in the face the whole time. BEER!

Beer is a miracle of invention. Armed with a couple of beers (no more than that of course, I'm not totally crazy!) I was now very confident that I could easily attach the bracket and not having the screws would in no way impeed my drilling skills!

Amazingly I'm still alive, the bracket is up! A feet of engineering genius that I was and am incredibly proud of! (I was sure it would have fallen down by now!)

So the moral of the story is. Bob the builder's gotta be plastered!! I mean his trucks and things are talking to him and singing! No wonder he thinks he can fix everything!!!

Saturday 20 June 2009

What to do if you don't have an egg cup?

My student days are well behind me, but I've never really been inspired by cooking. Whilst I do make a pretty mean beans on toast and in extreme circumstances have managed several full Sunday Roasts. I realised the other day I'd never boiled an egg. Shocking I know! (... well.. not that shocking really?)

So I bought some eggs, dug out my old 'Student Cookbook' and set out on a voyage of discovery!!
(Fade to horizon and bring up inspiring music!)

Yeap.. boil, then keep hot for 3 minutes. Even I managed that one, although I did have to use my mobile phone to measure the three minutes. But THEN HORROR!!!

I managed to get the eggs successfully out of the pan only to realise I had no egg cups. What was I supposed to do!! You can't eat boiled egg and soldiers without an egg cup (not on principle, but simply practically).

There was an unlikely saviour. Which you shouldn't be too shocked to discover considering there's a big photo of them on the blog. (So really I should just stop writing now).

For anyone who can't see the photo. Shot Glasses! Genius! I don't see why anyone would bother with egg cups when you can use shot glasses.

Mine are similar to the photo but they say. "Hey there, so you swallow?" and "I do what the voices in my head tell me too". I think both are very profound statements that we can learn a lot from for generations to come!

P.S. I've turned my back on Facebook. There just isn't the restrictions you need on it. I don't want conversations from my family being read by my friends and am sick of having to censor what I'm saying to my friends because of my family. Time for a clean break before I go crazy! Hopefully this will mean I'm posting a lot more on here!!

Monday 25 May 2009

What is Identity?


I've been wondering about identity. What makes me, me and you, you? 

Philosophy says: -

identity is whatever makes something the same or different.

Sociology says: -
an individuals comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity.
In fact the more I look into this the more I realise no one has a definitive description of identity. Everyone approaching the question from their own perspective and experiences. So, what goes into our identity? Are we born with it? Is it our soul? Our DNA? Our life experiences? Is it what we mean to others? Is it what we do? Is it all of these things? 

I'm sure we've all heard people day "I'm not the same person I was X years ago, I've changed." So, lets assume that identity, primarily our self identity is flexible. Is it identity chosen by us then? 

Three main factors of identity
1. DNA - Our building blocks, mapping out what we will look like, what our brain's capabilities will do. 
2. Social Impact - Learnt behaviour, socially accepted norms, psychological development etc.
3. Personal Will - Our ability to take control of our naturally born attributes and our learnt behaviour and change them. Learn more, change our behaviours use or disregard any biological characteristics. 

All three components are intrinsically interwoven. 

(Ok, so you're probably thinking DNA doesn't change. Well. yes, DNA doesn't. But we do change what we do with our DNA. I used to love swimming, I could be genetically predisposed to being a fantastic swimmer. But I haven''t been swimming for years. The DNA is the same but it's relevance is questionable. You may have brown hair but dye it blond. DNA is massive, but it's impact on identity is derived by personal will, social impact and yes, DNA. One DNA characteristic counteracting another. I'm great with three dimensional strategy, I can anticipate what a footballer will do when he's heading towards me in a football game, I can plan how best to stop them. I can train my body to have the physical capabilities to stop them. All influenced by DNA. But I have a hypersensitivity to pain and my social awkwardness makes it difficult interacting on a team. Both caused by DNA. So I don't play football.)

So, how do we identify our self
  • Photo's - DNA
  • Names - Social 
  • Our jobs - Personal will 
When introducing yourself to someone else you cover all of these three characteristics and probably don't realise it. We all identify ourselves on these three levels. 

Which one is stronger? hmmm..... all of them are strong. All of them balance each other. 
  • Your personal will, will only go so far before social pressures or physical limitations kick in. 
  • Your social role is limited by your physical attractiveness and capabilities as well as your willingness to interact with society. 
  • Your physical characteristics are limited by your desire to act upon them. Social influences and personal will impact our diet, exercise, what products we use, what skills we develop.  (For an odd example, I may be genetically predisposed to being a fantastic psychopath. But society would not approve, I've learnt that it's bad and I personally don't want to do it.)
How do you define the identities of those around you? Is our identity purely what people perceive of us?
Our brains store a catalogue of people in our minds. We need to define each one as differant in order to interact with them. So we define that person's identity for them and treat them accordingly. 

Even if you are married to someone you can't know their whole identity, it's to complex. So we generalise. We use stereotypes. We track common characteristics of people with similar details and build up a picture of their identity in our minds. 

Recently there has been outrage at bankers for loosing all the money. If we see a banker we automatically assume now that they are money hungry, risk taking valueless people. Without even meeting someone you have defined someones personal will identity as uncaring. You've defined their social identity as being corrupted, they've learnt the wrong lessons, their parents must have done this to them. And you've defined their DNA.. "I bet they have a small penis." "They were bad at sports at school so they're making up for it now." 

So, in reality, identity is both something so massive and personal that no one can ever understand. AND something someone can define you as, without knowing you at all. 

Which I think it why it makes it so hard to define exactly what we mean by identity. The word is imprecise. The way others perceive your identity is uncontrollable. So if you say identity is what makes you the same or different, it depends on who's actually making that decision. If I was a banker I'd be the same as all the other bankers. But if I'm your child I'm unique. If I'm your child and a banker then the credit crunch is automatically my fault, but you forgive me for it and start telling the neighbours that you were the only one who predicted it and tried to stop the madness. The one good banker! 

Identity then has two perspectives. Self identity and Social identity.

Self identity is what you define yourself as. Ironically most people define themselves as whatever their social identity is. So let's look at social identity.

Social identity is defined as how others see you. Social identity is based on such little information it can be easily manipulated like the mother above telling the neighbours about the valiant struggles of her son to stop the credit crunch. Or advertising on television. 

When people pick a career they want to go into, they typically are using their personal will to pick the social identity they want. Therefore someone saying "My son's a doctor" you might jump to "is he cute/married?" On the other hand "My son's a Republican senator", I'd probably just politely walk away. 

Personal will is influenced by social and DNA so you assume the doctor is smart and has been raised well. That he's passionate, caring and rich. 

The Republican senator is also smart, more than likely rich. But you automatically question his upbringing or his caring nature. Maybe the mothers overprotective and the father abusive. (At least you do if you're a Democrat. Sorry Republicans, that's how you are perceived.) 

Coming back to self identity. If it's so infuenced by social identity. Then is the self identity the weaker of the two aspects? Or because our self identity influences our social identity so much is self identity the stronger? 

Most people live their lives trying to understand their self identity at the same time they try and control their social identity. We all want to be liked. We want our identity to be something people like. We judge our own success based on how others percieve us. So the two identities are both important. Everyone weighs the two differantly. 

The people who are nervous and the people who are confident. The balance I think largely relates to how they balance their self and social identities. Nervous people value social identity more, they are more likely to view themselves and thier accompishments through the eyes of others. They worry more about how they are seen in society. Confident people are more likely to value their personal identity more than their social identity. They do what they feel is best suited to their own beliefs and how they define themselves. 

Whether we favour social identity or self identity is also an aspect of our identity. It is influenced by what we've learn't, personal will of how it affects us and is influenced by our DNA. Natrually attractive people tend to value that attractiveness less than someone who isn't attractive. The DNA making them attractive, plus social impact and perception of that attractiveness giving them confidence, helps define their view of the world and their personal will. 

Those of us with a poor perception of our social identity, worry about our social identity. Those with a good social identity tend to worry more about their personal identity. They complain that they're idea's aren't taken seriously because they're cute. Their social identity, whilst being positive, compromises thier personal identity and that's what they're more concerned about. 

This seems to lead to a self fulfilling policy and moral of the story, but which one. 

  • Be true to yourself and you'll be happy? 
  • If you focus on pretending to be good then people will think you are and therefore you'll be good? 

I've always focused on the top one. I have strong personal values, although I am nervous. But the second one, although it seems odd, seems to be the key to happiness. Can faking our identity really be the right thing to do to make us happy? 

What do you think?

Thursday 21 May 2009

Will Britain become a fascist state?

So I've mentioned it before. Economic downturn typically means right wing politics. I'm really glad the US is on a sensible left wing politics. But I'm a little worried about the UK. 

Our extremist party (think KKK genetically bred with a right wing republican) is the BNP British National Party (formally the National Front). 

They've donned thier suits and they're talking to the deprived, under educated and hard done by. Planting the seed of hated and resentment. But why does it work? Well.. it offers a solution to people who feel there is no solution. 

Sure it's a really shite solution and doesn't actually work, but you'd be amazed how easily people fall for those types of solutions. 

Being an asperger people, I tend to analyse everything rather than go with the flock which is why I'm normally a Liberal Democrat voter. But I can kind of see why some people would see fascism as being 'cool'. In our hearts we all have the tibal instincts of them and us. Granted I would never apply this to skin colour, disability, sexual orientation, gender etc etc. 

But if your waiting to go into a nightclub and someone walks up and says... your special.. you should come right through. You'd probably like that person. I think that's why this type of polictics is so effective. It seperates people out as better and if you're in the 'special' group I would imagine it feels pretty good. Having never been in a special group I'm not really sure. But I often wanted to be in the cool gang at school. I guess this is just a really big 'cool' gang, that's dangerous and doesn't listen to what the teacher/morality tells them to do.

SO... canI see Britain dramatically turning to the right... probably not. (thank god!) I'd love to say this was because we're all very moral, or we've evolved beyond such petty interests. This may be true for some.. but for others it's just plain financial sense. We're in a global economy, we need to work with people who are in all groups if we are going to work and prosper. There's no point getting in a club infront of others if the clubs shite and you can't afford to buy any beer. 

It makes more sense to go wait in a queue for a better club that you can afford an that's packed with people having a great time.. together. 

So.. why today's rant? I've just had a flyer through from the BNP. They want no EU, no immigration, british jobs for british people and my favorite quote. "Because it's not racist to oppose mass immigration and polictical correctnesss - it's common sense!" 

First of all... their flier said NO immigration. Not limited and controlled immigration, whereby we attract the best talent from around the world to help support jobs here, but draw the limit at being a charity to all and sundry.

And apposing political correctness...wikipedia says Political correctness is 
"a term applied to language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen by some as seeking to minimize offense to gender, racial, cultural, disabled, aged or other identity groups."
So... if you oppose minimising offense.. you support maximising offense... in areas including race... making you a.... racist

Logic.. intelligence and a bit of integrity really doesn't go with the job description of a fascist I guess. 

Now.. if they'd of said "it's not racist to question why some councils spend many thousands of pounds defining policitcal correctness language guides for their staff, whilst common sense should be sufficient and the money could be better spent." Then ok. I'd be ok with that as a statement. But that's not what they're saying. That's just what they hope some people will read into it at the same time they know others will take it to it's other extreme.... "I want that job so I'll just go kill them." 

The odd thing is.. we have soo many people on benefits that just won't do some jobs. They'd rather stay on benefit. British people turning down British jobs. Maybe I'm mis reading the principle of british jobs for british people... maybe it should be. Fantastically well paid jobs for fuck heads..... yes.. I think that's what it's hidden meaning is. Little did they know there were lots of these jobs going in the banks. 

Ok ranting over for a while. Just got Supernatural Season 3 part one to cheer me up.