Thursday 21 May 2009

Will Britain become a fascist state?

So I've mentioned it before. Economic downturn typically means right wing politics. I'm really glad the US is on a sensible left wing politics. But I'm a little worried about the UK. 

Our extremist party (think KKK genetically bred with a right wing republican) is the BNP British National Party (formally the National Front). 

They've donned thier suits and they're talking to the deprived, under educated and hard done by. Planting the seed of hated and resentment. But why does it work? Well.. it offers a solution to people who feel there is no solution. 

Sure it's a really shite solution and doesn't actually work, but you'd be amazed how easily people fall for those types of solutions. 

Being an asperger people, I tend to analyse everything rather than go with the flock which is why I'm normally a Liberal Democrat voter. But I can kind of see why some people would see fascism as being 'cool'. In our hearts we all have the tibal instincts of them and us. Granted I would never apply this to skin colour, disability, sexual orientation, gender etc etc. 

But if your waiting to go into a nightclub and someone walks up and says... your special.. you should come right through. You'd probably like that person. I think that's why this type of polictics is so effective. It seperates people out as better and if you're in the 'special' group I would imagine it feels pretty good. Having never been in a special group I'm not really sure. But I often wanted to be in the cool gang at school. I guess this is just a really big 'cool' gang, that's dangerous and doesn't listen to what the teacher/morality tells them to do.

SO... canI see Britain dramatically turning to the right... probably not. (thank god!) I'd love to say this was because we're all very moral, or we've evolved beyond such petty interests. This may be true for some.. but for others it's just plain financial sense. We're in a global economy, we need to work with people who are in all groups if we are going to work and prosper. There's no point getting in a club infront of others if the clubs shite and you can't afford to buy any beer. 

It makes more sense to go wait in a queue for a better club that you can afford an that's packed with people having a great time.. together. 

So.. why today's rant? I've just had a flyer through from the BNP. They want no EU, no immigration, british jobs for british people and my favorite quote. "Because it's not racist to oppose mass immigration and polictical correctnesss - it's common sense!" 

First of all... their flier said NO immigration. Not limited and controlled immigration, whereby we attract the best talent from around the world to help support jobs here, but draw the limit at being a charity to all and sundry.

And apposing political correctness...wikipedia says Political correctness is 
"a term applied to language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen by some as seeking to minimize offense to gender, racial, cultural, disabled, aged or other identity groups."
So... if you oppose minimising offense.. you support maximising offense... in areas including race... making you a.... racist

Logic.. intelligence and a bit of integrity really doesn't go with the job description of a fascist I guess. 

Now.. if they'd of said "it's not racist to question why some councils spend many thousands of pounds defining policitcal correctness language guides for their staff, whilst common sense should be sufficient and the money could be better spent." Then ok. I'd be ok with that as a statement. But that's not what they're saying. That's just what they hope some people will read into it at the same time they know others will take it to it's other extreme.... "I want that job so I'll just go kill them." 

The odd thing is.. we have soo many people on benefits that just won't do some jobs. They'd rather stay on benefit. British people turning down British jobs. Maybe I'm mis reading the principle of british jobs for british people... maybe it should be. Fantastically well paid jobs for fuck heads..... yes.. I think that's what it's hidden meaning is. Little did they know there were lots of these jobs going in the banks. 

Ok ranting over for a while. Just got Supernatural Season 3 part one to cheer me up. 

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