Thursday 21 May 2009

How bad does a bad day at work have to be before you quit?


I miss the days when I would enjoy going to work. Sure, it was busy, but I felt like I was achieving something and helping people. 

Nowerdays... it's all politics. All back stabbing. People talking down to me like I'm 5 has replaced the respect I once had and I don't think I've done anything to deserve it. 

I'm ranting on here after a particularly bad day at work in the hope the I get it out of my system ready for a challenging day tomorrow. 

Those were the days... 18 months ago I was managing a team, responsible for my own projects. Respected and listened to by my peers and managers. Delivering a cool new solution out of existing technology that no one had ever thought of before. 

Then I got promoted. Surely a suitable reward for my sucesses, but when is a promotion not a promotion? Well, can't argue about salary really and I've got a pretty good job title. But all my responsibilities have been taken away. I now report to someone more junior than I did before I was promoted and my good ideas either fall on deaf ears or are quickly stolen by colleagues and passed off as their ideas. Can these things really be seen as signs that I have arrived? Should I bite back as much as they do? Well.. I've tried a few times and ended up getting bollocked for it. Seems to be a loose loose situation. I've never been good at being manipulative, self centred and brutal. I had thought that was a good thing. But I just don't know anymore. 

I love solving problems but the only solution I can think of is leaving, except I can't do that because there aren't any jobs out there. 

So, as I'm writting this down... let's analyse it. Ok so, key things we need to be happy are... (borrowed from
  1. Security — safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully
  2. Attention (to give and receive it) — a form of nutrition
  3. Sense of autonomy and control — having volition to make responsible choices
  4. Being emotionally connected to others
  5. Feeling part of a wider community
  6. Friendship, intimacy — to know that at least one other person accepts us totally for who we are, “warts 'n' all”
  7. Privacy — opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience
  8. Sense of status within social groupings
  9. Sense of competence and achievement
  10. Meaning and purpose — which come from being stretched in what we do and think.

1. Don't really feel that safe there...
2. I think this means positive attention.. no I think some people would rather I just went away. 
3. No... I have some autonomy, but no where near what I'm used to having. 
4. Again I think this means positve emotion. Hmm.. a few people. 
5. Part of wider community, depends whether you class clicky groups as a community?
6. Hmm... I just don't know who my friends are anymore.
7. I guess I have this. 
8. Status... stripped and castrated of this. Definitly an issue. 
9. I feel that I have a lot to offer, but others lack of confidence is contagious. Like swine flu!
10. Stretched in how far I can go without throwing things doesn't really count does it? Without a project I can contribute to I don't feel like my role has any meaning or purpose. Lost and forgotten... 

Hmm... well... I don't think that really helped anything..... 

I'm going to have to muster all the confidence I have and go in assertive... I figure I've been sidelined enough, if I'm going down I'm going down fighting!!! At this point I don't really see as I have anything to loose. 

God, writting a blog should only really be done when happy I think.

I'm fucked! hmm.. maybe alcohol is the answer. The huge bar of chocolate I went through earlier didn't really help. 

1 comment:

  1. So, Friday wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be.

    I think I can talk to my managers and get them to discuss my future. I think I can have an impact on what happens now. I want to stay and make it work. But it's going to be difficult. I'll let you know how it goes!
