Monday 9 March 2009

The genius of StumbleUpon


I don't have a TV. People think I'm mad. How can anyone possibly cope without TV they tell me... You'd miss out on so much. Not really most TV is available online so I can watch what I want and when I want to. I can skip the adverts and the ever longer intros and "previously on...." 

You see, I used to have a problem.. a big problem. I would turn on the TV all the time and if there wasn't anything I liked on I would just channel surf flicking from one thing to the next. Or I'd be half way through a program and the adverts come on so I start channel surfing again. 

Channel surfing is great. With 40 odd channels you never know what you'll find on the other side and whilst you're watching boring channels on this one you could be missing a good show on the other one. 

Whilst I don't have this problem with TV anymore I do with websites. One of the BIG draw backs on the Internet so far has been you need to have a reasonable idea of what you want to see and you search for it. The number of times I've typed 'I'm bored' into Google only to come back with absolute rubbish is quite sad...... UNTIL StumbleUpon came along. 

StumbleUpon is like having a 'next channel' button, but for websites. Get bored reading a blog... what else is online 'click'. Oh... musical Horses. 5 mins later. Bored 'click' a dissection of the human brain... 'click' how to take over your country in 5 years... interesting.. 

Therefore I really recommend you get StumbleUpon The only BIG flaw I've found is it doesn't work in Chrome (yet). So I have to use my (now seemingly obsolete IE.)

Try Stumble. Trust me! 

Until next time

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